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GIT Commands

Basic Commands

Command Description
git init Initializes a new Git repository in the current directory
git clone <repository-url> Clones an existing Git repository.
git status Shows the current status of the repository.
git add <file-name> Stages changes for a commit.
git add . Stages all changes for a commit.
git restore --staged <file> Unstages changes.
git reset HEAD . Unstages all changes.
git restore <file> Discards changes in the working directory.
git diff --staged Shows the changes that have been staged.
git diff Shows the changes that have not been staged.
git commit -m "message" Commits staged changes with a message.
git log Shows the commit history.
git log --oneline Shows a summarized version of the commit history.

Remote Commands

Command Description
git remote Lists the remotes for the current repository.
git remote add <name> <url> Adds a new remote to the current repository.
git pull <remote> <branch> Pulls changes from a remote repository.
git push <remote> <branch> Pushes changes to a remote repository.

Branching Commands

Command Description
git branch Lists all the branches in the repository.
git branch <branch-name> Creates a new branch.
git checkout <branch-name> Switches to a different branch.
git checkout -b <branch-name> Creates and switches to a new branch.
git merge <branch-name> Merges changes from one branch into another.