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Scenario 1: Playbook Fails to Execute

Q: What do you do if a playbook fails to execute on a remote host? A:

  • Check Connectivity: Ensure the control node can SSH into the target host.
  • Verify Permissions: Make sure the SSH user has appropriate permissions on the target host.
  • Review Error Messages: Analyze the output for specific error messages, which can indicate what went wrong.
  • Ansible Configuration: Check Ansible configurations and inventory files for accuracy.

Scenario 2: Variable Undefined Error

Q: How do you resolve an "undefined variable" error in a playbook? A:

  • Define Variables: Ensure all variables used are defined in the playbook, included files, or inventory.
  • Typo Check: Verify there are no typos in variable names.
  • Debug Module: Use the Ansible debug module to print variables at runtime and understand their state.

Scenario 3: Task Skipped Without Notice

** Q: Why would a task be skipped without any clear reason? A:

  • Conditional Checks: Check if the task has a conditional (when) that is not being met.
  • Tags: Ensure the task isn't being excluded by the use of tags during execution.
  • Dependencies: Look for any failed dependencies or include statements that did not execute.

Scenario 4: Slow Performance

Q: What steps can you take if Ansible is running slow? A:

  • Parallelism: Increase the number of parallel forks in the Ansible configuration (forks setting).
  • Fact Gathering: Disable or limit fact gathering if not needed (gather_facts: no or use setup module selectively).
  • Connection Method: Switch connection methods (e.g., from SSH to paramiko) to see if performance improves.

Scenario 5: Authentication Issues

Q: How do you fix SSH authentication issues when running a playbook? A:

  • SSH Keys: Ensure the control node's SSH key is authorized on the target host.
  • Password Authentication: If using password authentication, verify the password is correct or use ask_pass to prompt for a password.
  • SSH Agent: If using an SSH agent, make sure it's running and loaded with the correct keys.

Scenario 6: Playbook Runs on Incorrect Hosts

** Q: What to do if a playbook is running on the wrong set of hosts? A:

  • Inventory Check: Verify the inventory file to ensure host groupings are correct.
  • Host Pattern: Review the playbook's host pattern to ensure it targets the intended group or host.
  • Limit Option: Use the --limit option to restrict playbook runs to specific hosts if necessary.

By understanding and applying these troubleshooting steps, you can resolve common issues encountered while working with Ansible, ensuring a smoother automation experience.